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Chilli Mafia

Red Pepper (pepř červený)




4,00 /g


Designation: Red Pepper (pepř červený)
Latin name: Schinus terebinthifolia
Country of origin: Brazil
Package: 1g
Official producer: Chilli Mafia

Product description

Red Peppercorns are so called in Europe, in Brazil where they have evolved they are called Pink Peppercorns. To alter your reality further Pink Peppercorns are not related to pepper from India, they are related to the Cashew Family, I know! It blew my mind. As they have a peppery flavour the name was made and stuck ever since. Red Pepper has a typical berry flavour of high berry fruit, when used as the pepper flavour in food or as a mix with other pepper these red peppercorns provide wonderful overtone of fruity pepper.